Join us this Sunday, September 22nd at 9or 10:30am as we continue our sermon series on about “Healthy Church” based on Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy. This message is about valuing the right things: “Outward Righteousness vs. Inward Godliness.”
Children’s Ministry for Nursery to 5th grade is available at the 9 am service we have in the lower level. At the 10:30 service there is Nursery to PreK care available.
At 9-10am a Sunday School group for adults meets at the Little Hubs Daycare, North of the Church. Their current study is on the book of Genesis.
We hope you’ll be able to join us in person, but you can also join us for the live stream. The sermon will begin streaming approximately 9:15am. If you are a subscriber to the channel you should get a notification that we are live. You can subscribe to the YouTube channel here.
Recent sermons are available below and via the “Sermon Video” tab above.