New Hope Fellowship holds its services at 1501 10th Ave. Rochelle, IL 61068 .
Our focus at New Hope is authentic worship and biblical messages that speak to the heart and encourage us to abide in Christ who heals our hurts and transforms our lives. If you’d like to listen to a past sermon check out our media page. We sing mainly contemporary worship with a blend in of older Christian hymns and choruses. Words are projected on the wall, so everyone can follow along.
Children’s Ministry: Kids From birth to 5th grade have classes at the 9am service on Sunday mornings in the lower level. The 2nd-5th graders join us for the song portion of the service and are then dismissed to class. Nursery through Pre-School classes are also available at the 10:30 service. The classes are divided accordingly:
- Nursery (0-24 months)
- 2 Year Olds to Pre-School.
- Kindergarten to 1st Grade
- 2nd-5th Graders – We’re currently using curriculum from Answers in Genesis.