Learning to Lead 12: A Moment of Failure

Numbers chapter 20 is very sad because it shows us one of the greatest men in all of Scripture stumbling and falling near the finish line.  Moses’ mission had been to lead God’s people into the Promised Land.  But we see here in our text that Moses made a huge mistake and the consequence for him was enormous.  So much so, that God tells him that he will not be the one to finally lead the people into the land. 

If we’re being honest, we have all made huge mistakes in our lives.  It is sad when we disobey God because of our own sinful choosing.  However, just like in Moses’ situation, the story is not over.  There is grace, compassion, and forgiveness for us found in our Savior, Jesus Christ.  

We invite you to listen to this sermon entitled “A Moment of Failure”.      

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