Words are certainly powerful. A good conversation can be the highlight of your day, and likewise, a harsh word can be crushing. In Ephesians 4:25-5:2 the Apostle Paul gives us some incredible instruction regarding how we use our words with each other. When you talk:
- Be truthful…gently (vs. 25-27) Do you need to be more truthful in relationships or do you need to be more gentle in how you deliver truth?
- Give instead of taking (vs. 28) If you’ve been taking in a particular relationship…Can you seek God to fill you so that you can also give instead of just receiving?
- Edify graciously (vs. 29) How can you be more encouraging?
- Avoid nasty words that grieve the Spirit. (vs. 30-31) Is there is someone you know you have wounded with your words that could use an apology?
- Forgive Generously (vs. 32) Is there someone you need to forgive?
- Love sacrificially (vs. 1-2) How many conflicts would die instantly, if we were willing to sacrifice our pride?