Mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall….telling those lies…pointing out your flaws……THIS ISN’T WHO YOU ARE! What the mirror tells you isn’t the truth and it’s not the place any of us should be getting our worth from. But maybe it’s not only the mirror… maybe it’s a post on Facebook or an article in a magazine, or something on TV or a movie. Maybe it the voices of your past, or the negative self-talk that you’ve learned to do so well. That isn’t who you are because of God’s holy grace in your life. God’s Word tells you that you are loved and forgiven because when you accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in your heart, your sin is gone! So when our Heavenly Father looks at you, He sees the grace of His Son draped around you. When He looks at you, He sees you dressed in white and all the wrongs made right. When He sees you, He sees you forgiven! .
On Mother’s Day we started our “Family Time” sermon series with a message that was geared to all the ladies. However, God’s truth applies to us all in whatever age or season we find ourselves in.
To hear this message on God’s deep love and truth in our life, please click on the link below.