Opposed – Why Church?

What would you say are the biggest obstacles to the church fulfilling her mission, and being what she’s meant to be?  Distractions, divisions, disruptions, and disobedience would be a pretty good list.  While those things might make the top of our lists, scripture sees them as secondary, not primary.  There is one primary source of … Read more

Powered Up – Why Church?

We can probably all agree that the church should be impacting our world. Jesus called His Church to be about preaching the gospel and making disciples and He’s empowered the church to do just that. His Holy Spirit is meant to supercharge this mission and that’s what we’re going to dive into today. One of … Read more

Disciples – Why Church?

We are continuing our sermon series of “Why Church?” One of the main objectives of the church is to be disciples who make disciples. When Jesus Christ was on earth, He had taught His followers many things and of all the instructions He ever spoke, His last words should really get our attention, “Go therefore … Read more

Called Out – Why Church?

What defines church culture?  What does it look like to represent the church?  Unfortunately, you can find churches that have embraced almost anything you can think of as a defining feature.  Some churches are social clubs.  Some are basically a charity.  Some churches are all about a celebrity pastor or incredible worship team.  Every church … Read more

Established – Why Church?

The church is God’s idea and Christ is building His church. It’s a divine promise of the divine Savior. There will never be a moment when the church is wiped out. No matter how liberal, fanatical, ritualistic, apathetic, or apostate it’s outward adherents may become Christ will build His church. While she may need discipline, … Read more