Others First (Brotherly Kindness)

We are continuing our “Growing Faith” sermon series by examining 2nd Peter 1:4-8.  The trait we will focus on for this message is the important concept of “brotherly kindness.”  True brotherly kindness always defers to and gives honor to others.  We can express this in many ways such as spending time and assisting others by … Read more

Above Reproach (Moral Excellence)

What do we need in order to keep growing in faith?  There is nothing we can do to add to our salvation to get more saved.  Yet there are things we are clearly called to pursue as Christians, which are a part of growing in sanctification.  Both Paul and Peter address these ideas.  In 2 … Read more

Thankful Doesn’t Take a Day Off

How important is thanksgiving or gratitude?  Even secular psychologists can prove incredible benefits of practicing thankfulness.  It benefits our relationships, physical health, psychological health, sleep, self-esteem, mental strength and it enhances our empathy while reducing aggression.  Those are great benefits which may cause us to say I should practice gratitude, but for the prophet Daniel … Read more