Newcomers Lunch – Feb 23, 2025

So, you’re new here and there’s a lot to take in. You want to get more connected, but you aren’t sure where to start. Well, you found it. You’ve been attending and this is a great next step. We want to invite you to sign up for a lunch after church on Sunday, February 23rd … Read more

Honorable Manhood Study (Sept-Oct)

Many of us as men were not given a healthy vision for our masculinity from our own fathers, and therefore, we often go through most of our adult life feeling confused, ashamed or controlled by our sexuality.  But when we as men truly catch hold of God’s epic vision and purpose for our manhood – … Read more

“One God, One Purpose”

The enemy has gone to great lengths to conceal our idols in order to divide our focus and allegiance to our Creator. The Lord wants, and deserves, your total devotion and commitment. Seek Him first (Matthew 6:33), with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13) and He will reveal any hidden idols in your life so that He, and He alone, can rule on the throne of your life.